Monday, May 10, 2010

Packing Up and Saying Good Bye

Hey Everyone! I know it has been a while since I last posted a blog, but wow, have I been busy! Zac and I have had tons of things to do, and then when you add work to the mix it makes for a busy few weeks. I have had some opportunities to blog, but technical difficulties have gotten in the way, but not today! So here we go! A few weeks ago Zac and I finally got an offer on our house. It was another couple looking to buy their first home. We of course worked out a good deal for both parties and got that baby under contract. We were so excited to finally have some progress on the house so we can start to build here. We decided to go pack up our things that very weekend. I happened to be off that weekend, and we just knew it would make it easier when we finally moved the stuff out of the house to already have it packed up and waiting. So we went to Prattville, for one of the last times, and packed up our sweet first home. I have to say I am tearing up now just typing it! I of course had strategically picked out each and every box from piles that my dad had been saving for us, and had them in organized stacks by size. I had already told Zac that he could do touch up things to the house while I packed because I had thought up a system for organizing the move. So, I implemented my wonderful organized plan and Zac touched up paint, worked outside, and packed up a few things that I picked for him. I was going room by room packing things in order by room, numbering the boxes, and then corresponding the number on the boxes to a list with the same numbers and written discription of what was in each box. I know, I have a problem!! But, I had thought this idea up and nothing in the world could have convinced me otherwise. Here are some pictures of the mess of packing everything. It took me all day!

After we had packed up all the boxes we decided to stack them in one area, more like corner, of the house. I picked out which ones were strong enough to have things stacked on them and away we went. We left all of the big peices of furniture in place until we had more help to move them.

And then, we came back the next weekend I was off and moved it all out. We moved boxes first, then all the pieces of furniture after. It was a long day. My mom and dad and Zac and I stayed the night before in the house to get it over with faster. It was funny. The first night we ever stayed in our house when we bought it we slept on an air matress in the floor of one of the extra bedrooms, and gave my mom and dad the bed. And the last night we ever slept in it, we were in the exact same place. When Zac pointed that out to me I cried like a baby, and I almost could again. This house in a sentimental thing for me!

And this is our now empty house. I cried and cried when it was all said and done and I was looking around an empty house that was once our warm, lovely home. It was our first house, a wonderful place to call our first. We were so excited to buy it, even though it was filthy and needed a ton of work. We painted, replaced all the floors, replaced the sinks, remodeled the deck, and a dozen tiny little projects that made it our own. We got our first dog in this house, and she dug all types of holes in the back yard. We had a wonderful time here. I just hope the next owners find it to be so great. I will always remember this one as the first, sweetest place we ever lived. We didnt have any family closer than 2 hours away, so we spent a lot of time together in this place. And though I am looking forward to the next one, I sure will miss this one. Wow! That was a long post, but I can type forever on things that I love, and this was one of them! See you soon!

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